Contemporary Service,

Fellowship Hall:

Sundays @ 9 a.m.

Sunday School,


Sundays @ 10 a.m.

Traditional Service,


Sundays @ 11 a.m.

Combined Service

followed by potluck

5th Sunday @ 10 a.m.


Women of the UMC

As leaders, teachers, missionaries, and organizers,
women have shaped the history of Methodism.

From the local church to the global church,
women have led and served ministries within marginalized communities,
as well as initiated important social and political reform.

We invite you to explore the inspiring stories of women
who have made important contributions to the life of the church,
as well as discover ideas to help nurture your own participation and witness.


Weekly Women’s Bible Study

Meets each Thursday at 9:00 AM Facilitated by Rose Ayoub

For more information call (915) 582-4444

Everyone is invited to Join us.


The ministry of men in the local church is defined as a core group of men, partnering with their pastor, to invite and initiate spiritual growth opportunities for all men of the church.
Everyone has different gifts, graces and areas of interest. Therefore, opportunities for participation would include diverse ministries of the church, such as prayer groups, missions, Bible studies, retreats, workshops/seminars, small groups in the Wesleyan tradition, leading and participating on committees, teaching Sunday school classes, youth ministries, scouting, mentoring and assisting in leading worship service.
The focus is not inward, concentrating only on those who attend a set meeting, but outward to all men,
assisting them to engage the process of spiritual growth.

Agape Adult Sunday School

  Meets Each Sunday at 10:00 am in Race Parlor. 

Facilitated by Al Lindstrom

Everyone is invited. 

For more information call (915) 581-4444

 Wednesday Bible Study on Zoom

9:30 AM Weekly

Study on the book of Luke by Adam Hamilton

Facilitated by Elaine Frisbie

ZOOM Link:

TAP LINK & USE Passcode: 328435

For more information call (361) 645-9402

or email: