(915) 581-4444 office@loveroad.org


Contemporary Service,

Fellowship Hall:

Sundays @ 9 a.m.

Sunday School,


Sundays @ 10 a.m.

Traditional Service,


Sundays @ 11 a.m.

Combined Service

followed by potluck

5th Sunday @ 10 a.m.

Borderland Missions of Mercy

Borderland Mssions of Mercy (BMM) is a 501(c)3 non-profit that has been serving needy
children and families on both sides of the United States/Mexico border for the past 15 years.
BMM is associated with, but independent of St. Mark’s United Methodist Church in El Paso.

Hungary Mission Project

Hungary Mission In conjunction with UMC Global Ministries
The Hungary IMT project serves the mission purposes of the UMC in Hungary.
The UMC has been present in Hungary for almost 120 years. St. Mark’s UMC,
El Paso has been serving since 2004.
The church has always been in mission to the needy
providing social help and has also shared God’s love by
preaching the gospel both in cities and in rural