Quick Links

Love Rd is not the only reason we call ourselves “The Church built on Love.” Click the links below to be taken to our social media accounts as well as other pages on this website and see how love is built into everything we do. We invite you to explore all the thing the website has to offer. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out and email us at office@loveroad.org



“Like” us on Facebook and stay up to date with all the events happening! Here, we post important information and share event memories and  livestreams of both services on this page.


We’re also on Instagram, “Follow” us and stay connected. New content is coming soon, don’t miss out!


Subscribe to our channel and never miss out on a Sunday service again. We livestream our 9 am and 11am services, and other services/events.

Our Calendar

Here you can view all the day-to-day activities that go on in our lively church. Stop by and join us, we also open our facilities to community groups such as Griefshare and the Boy Scouts. This will take you to our Home page, just scroll down to view it!

St. Mark's Cares

We offer many different services. Here you can find the right match for your current needs. Healing happens when compassion and understanding is fostered, and our Care Groups provide just that.

Building Up A Brighter Future

We offer age appropriate groups where children can start learning about God and the many wonderful things that faith can bring to their lives. Don’t miss out on our amazing V.B.S. camp during the summer, the kids love it!

The Heart of the Matter

Here, you will be directed to the About Us page, where we share our beliefs as a church. We invite you to read and ask any question of the many ways our ministries our love extends to. 

Take the First Step

Let us get to know a little about yourself! We would love to extend an invitation to join us. Whether you’re looking for a new church home or just stopping by, fill out our Connect card for more information on the many different options available. Prayer requests are also welcome.